Surrender to sinful pleasures and forbidden passions with Masters of Seduction, the sizzling new paranormal romance novella series from New York Times and internationally bestselling authors Lara Adrian, Donna Grant, Laura Wright and Alexandra Ivy.
In the realm of the Incubi Masters, pleasure is to die for and love is the deadliest game of all . . .
MERCILESS: House of Gravor
by Lara Adrian
Seeking vengeance for the murder of his brother, Incubus Master Devlin Gravori demands justice from the high court of the Nephilim. But fury and retribution are no match for the consuming desire he feels for Nahiri, the beautiful Nephilim warrior he claims as his hostage.
awoke in the middle of a large bed in a strange room.
shot upright the instant consciousness dawned, her hands reaching automatically
for her weapons.
were gone.
leather sheaths that crossed her torso were empty.
No. That meant her nightmare hadn’t
been just a dream. It was reality.
The Incubus in the temple…Devlin
He really had taken her.
eyelids snapped open in panic. Sunlight poured in from an open window across
the room, blasting her vision.
blinded, she squinted through her lashes, struggling to take quick stock of her
new surroundings.
stucco walls. Dark hardwood floors and masculine-looking furnishings. Thick
timber beams high above her head.
beneath her, a massive bed. The mattress was as cushiony as a cloud, the cotton
sheets and silken coverlet calling to mind all manner of sins.
around her was the scent of intriguingly exotic spices and something even more
sensed his presence even before she swung her head in his direction and found
him seated in an upholstered chair beside the bed. No, not seated in it,
exactly. Dominating it. The same way he seemed to dominate every space he
big body lounged negligently where he sat, his powerful thighs spread, one arm
draped over the side of the chair, the other propping his head up, fist curled
loosely under the square line of his jaw.
shed his suit jacket at some point, and now wore just his gray tailored pants
and white business shirt. The collar was opened even farther than she recalled,
just one more button loosened, but exposing enough of his tawny skin to make
her mouth water with a sudden, unholy urge to taste him.
wanted to dismiss the impulse as one he planted in her mind, but she could tell
from the casual way he regarded her that any curiosity she felt in that moment
was hers alone.
scrambled off the bed. She backed into the farthest corner of the room, eyeing
him warily. “Where am I? Where have you taken me?”
at Gravori House.” He cast a nonchalant look around the room. “More
specifically, you’re in my bedroom.”
though she could have guessed as much, her heart still climbed into her throat.
Since she’d gone to the temple to train at eighteen years old, she hadn’t left
the sanctuary grounds even once. Let alone spent so much as a minute in a man’s
might be a virgin, but she had never been a wilting little girl. She was a
grown woman. A skilled warrior. She refused to let him intimidate her.
was a bad idea to abduct me from the temple,” she informed him. “The Three will
see you punished for this, Incubus, regardless of what you mean to do to me.
And with or without my weapons, I am still a Blade. I will fight you every step
of the way.”
same way you did in the High Chamber?”
cheeks flamed with heat at the reminder. With humiliation. Her weakness had
shamed her in front of the other Blades, in front of the three priestesses
who’d entrusted her with their lives. With their faith that she was the best,
the strongest, of her peers.
this demon had disproved all of that in a moment.
would do it again if he wanted to. He could do anything he wanted to her.
Nahiri could see it in the hard glint of his golden eyes.
for all her skill—for all her dedication to the teachings and training of the
temple—Devlin Gravori could destroy her at his whim.
not interested in fighting you,” he murmured, as if he could read the troubled
direction of her thoughts.
swallowed, watching the way he stared at her from across the room. He didn’t
move, and yet her body trembled as though his hands were already on her, as hot
and roaming as his gaze. All the wicked, deviant things she’d ever heard about
Incubi appetites poured over her in a rush of dread and terrible anticipation.
case you’re worried about it, I’m not interested in raping you either,” he
drawled, the corner of his mouth curling around the sensual growl of his deep,
rumbling voice. “Forcing a woman isn’t the Incubus way. Never been my way, at
any rate.”
hiked up her chin. “No, you’ll just bend my will until I submit. Or make me
your Thrall so you can siphon my life’s energy for your own. Maybe you’ll
manipulate my mind until I beg you to drain me completely. I suppose that would
be more your way.”
grunted, dark amusement in his tone. “I have plenty of women more than happy to
slake my needs—all of my needs.”
reassurances went, his did little to relieve her. He steepled his hands beneath
his chin, his citrine gaze locked on her. Nahiri could hardly breathe. His dark
energy was gathered about him, pulsating and vivid, but not the way she’d felt
it in the temple.
was holding his demonic allure in check now, despite the heat she felt licking
along her limbs and putting a flame to her blood. He intrigued her as much as
he unsettled her.
save her, but he tempted her.
as he terrified her, infuriated her…he stirred a dangerous longing in her.
And he knew.
way he studied her, he knew she was struggling against an attraction she wanted
desperately to deny.
raven brow quirked nearly imperceptibly. “If I wanted to take you as my lover,
Nahiri, or feed from you as my Thrall, I wouldn’t need force or Incubus magic
to do it.”
combination of her name on his lips and the terrible truth he spoke made her
heart stumble in her chest. It beat shallowly, accelerating in time with her
she tried not to notice how his gaze tracked every inch of her body, settling
on her breasts as they rose and fell with each rapid squeeze of her lungs.
He got out of the chair and stood in place for
a long moment. When he finally moved, his steps were measured, unrushed. So
confident, as if doubt was something he never had to trifle with when it came
to women.
course, he’d told her as much, so his arrogance shouldn’t surprise her now.
stood, frozen, as he approached, his thick-muscled thighs carrying him in a
slow prowl across the room. He paused an arm’s length away from her.
did you bring me here?” she asked, grateful that the tremors of her body hadn’t
found their way into her voice. She could not forget for an instant that she
was dealing with a demon. “What do you want from me?”
sensual mouth twisted in contemplation. “I haven’t decided yet. But let me be
clear about one thing, little Blade. You may be pledged to the Three and their
precious temple, but in this House, I am Master. So long as I have you under
this roof, you will obey me. As of now, your well-being, your life—everything—belongs to me.”
She bristled, outrage shooting through her
like fire. She welcomed the anger. It helped eclipse the desire that was still
simmering inside her, unwanted and never to be admitted—especially to this
overbearing heathen of a man.
Gravori was mad if he expected her to think of him as anything but her captor.
he might as well realize that now.
peeled her lips back from her teeth in a furious smile. She squared off against
him, ready to do battle even without the benefit of her weapons. “I would
rather die before I give anything to you. Willingly or by force. I would see
you dead before that day.”
scowled as she hissed the words into his face. When he raised his hand, she
thought for certain he would strike her.
his broad, warm palm came around the back of her neck. He held her in a firm
grip, and brought his face terrifyingly close to hers.
he spoke his voice was raw, as rough as gravel in his throat. “Be careful with
your threats, Nahiri. Those are dangerous words. Particularly when my kin are
already grieving the loss of one brother to your kind today.”
stared up into his fierce golden eyes, transfixed by the power she saw there.
By the pain and fury that hardened his handsome features and tightened the lush
line of his mouth.
the other side of this bedroom door, I have a dozen Incubi brothers and cousins
who might be tempted to take your threats against me to heart. They might be
tempted toward other things too. But not so long as you’re under my watch. No
one takes what belongs to me.”
he spoke, his gaze drifted to her mouth. It lingered there, and suddenly Nahiri
could hardly swallow for the lack of moisture in her throat. Her lips tingled
under his gaze, aching for contact. Her temples pounded with her heartbeat, a
rising, steady thrum that seemed to echo in the small space between her body
and his.
female in her was fixed on this man—this dark, deadly demon—and the unholy need
he aroused in her.
will obey me,” he muttered, the command like velvet on her senses when it
should grate like sharp stones. “As of right now, Nahiri the Blade, you belong
to me.”
SOULLESS: House of Romerac
By Donna Grant
Incubus Master Canaan Romerac is focused solely on revenge against those who betrayed him and put him in the Oubliette for five hundred years. That is until he sets eyes on Rayna. Can the beautiful Nephilim heal Canaan’s wounded soul before it’s too late?
It took less than a day for Canaan to
realize he had to get accustomed to the world much more than he had
comprehended. It had taken a lot for him to walk away from the beautiful Rayna,
but walk away he had.
might be a sex demon, but no was no. The next block over he found just the
woman he needed to feed off of and restore some of his strength.
usual, people were eager to share useless information, but he did manage to
glean facts he did need. Like the name of the town - Traders Hollow – and that
New York City was five hours away by car.
had expected the human race to make advancements, but he hadn’t expected such
bold leaps as the computer, cell phones, and weaponry. Then again, the humans
were rather gifted in killing themselves.
the day faded to night, Canaan knew he couldn't leave Traders Hollow just yet, even though he was more than ready to begin his trail of revenge.
the human world had changed so much, what of the Incubi and Nephilim? He needed
to know every detail before he set out for the city. There would be no
mistakes, no oversights. No missteps.
would see him coming.
still would know what ended their lives.
in the end, he would right the wrong done to him.

Donna Grant is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than forty novels and novellas spanning multiple genres of romance.

Unlike many of my peers in the writing world, I wasn't a writer or a reader until I left high school. During my youth I was into theater, song and dance, commercials and boys. I loved romance surely, but I had never read a romance novel until my late teens. With that said, I remember the day I did like it was a moment ago - my aunt gave me the Jude Deveraux novel, Knight in Shining Armor and I couldn't put it down until the very last word. Then I went straight to the library and got another – then another until I’d read everything she’d ever written. After that, it was McNaught, Howard, Schone, Kleypas, and the Silhouette line, Desire. I instantly loved those emotional, sexy reads, so much so that I began to carve out ideas for my own stories, themes that were unique to me and moved me. In 1997 I enrolled in UCLA extension writing classes, met my mentor and critique partners and since have never stopped writing. I was committed then and I still am now; the need to tell my own romantic stories a full on obsession. My first manuscript was rejected, and though the second one was as well the editor who’d rejected it wanted to see something else from me. I had something (note to authors; always keep working, even after you've sent in a proposal) and sent it right away. The day I got the call telling me Desire wanted to buy Cinderella and the Playboy was the best day of my life. That is until I married my husband, and had my two beautiful children. But I must say, writing is much like motherhood – tough, grueling, surprising, delicious and for me, a dream come true.
“I’ll give you full credit for your arrogance,” she mocked,
spreading her wings as the mirage of snakes continued to crawl over her
body. She needed to keep him distracted
until he’d stepped into her trap. “Your
intelligence, however, is obviously deficient.”
His low chuckle wrapped around her like a silken caress,
making her nipples bead with a sharp-edged longing.
Damn. It’d been so
long since she’d been touched in anything but anger.
Too long.
“Trust me, I’m not lacking in anything.”
Muriel felt the soft stroke of fingers down the slope of her
Incubi magic, of course.
It had to be. She
would know if the demon were that close to her.
Still, that didn’t halt the searing lick of anticipation
that spread through her body.
“Then why are you hiding from me?” she rasped.
“I’ve told you,” the aggravating male murmured. “I want answers.”
“Answers to what?”
“Why have you created a gateway into the fortress?”
Her mouth went dry as she continued to back toward the
distant wall.
That was a question she had no intention of answering.
Instead she feigned confusion. “What fortress?”
Without warning a pulse of heat sizzled through the air as
the Incubus abruptly stepped from the shadows.
“You want to play games, sweetheart?”
Muriel hissed, reeling beneath the impact of his beauty.
He was quite simply…magnificent.
Not the ethereal loveliness of male angels. Or the rough aggression of humans.
He was pure male temptation.
A walking, talking invitation to sex.
Against her will, Muriel found her gaze lingering on the
glossy darkness of his hair and the lean, finely sculpted features, before
lowering to the slender, muscled body that made her fingers twitch with the
urge to explore every hard inch.
Her heart raced as her gaze returned to his face, instantly
ensnared by his golden eyes.
Oh heavens, those eyes…
They shimmered with the promise of pleasure beyond her
wildest dreams.
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