Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Release Blitz ~ Fabricating Jada by Vanessa Marie
I need a mentor.
YouTube videos can only teach me so much.
And I want to learn from someone real.
From someone tangible.
But no one takes me seriously.
Only in my wildest dreams would I be mentored by Jesse Valentine.
He’s the top motorcycle and hot rod fabricator in the nation.
He also has the reputation for being one of the biggest jerks that ever lived.
Not to mention they say he can’t keep it in his pants.
I’m not interested in any of that.
Only in his knowledge.
I crave it.
And then I heard about the class he’s holding for the public.
I had to earn my spot.
Prove my worth.
Show them all that I was more than just some silly girl.
My name is Jada Carmen and I was born to build cars.
Jesse's gritty tone interrupted my concentration from over my shoulder. "Now everyone definitely thinks you're a stripper. Why the fuck would you bring clothes like that into a place like this?"
My eye's flashed with annoyance. "They couldn't afford me even if I was," I ground out through gritted teeth.
I refused to give him the satisfaction of playing into his game today. So I bit the inside of my cheek and kept marking the fabric where I wanted to cut.
"You do realize this isn't a home economics class right? If you want to play fashion designer, you should just get out now."
I stole a glance at him, now that he'd moved to my side. His eyes were sharp, assessing me for a reaction. If that was what he wanted, it was what he was going to get. Whipping around to face him, I leaned my hip against the bench and folded my arms over my chest. My still wrapped forearm lying on top of the other.
"Did you find that cliff to jump off yet?"
Jesse darted his gaze from my arm back to my face. "Nah, I guess California is fresh out. I'll ask you again... This is metal fabrication-- why in the fuck are you bringing fabric in here?" his voice was low, and gravely. His tone indicated I wasn't the sharpest tool in the workroom and that irked me. Everything irked me when he was around.
"Let me ask you something, Mr. Valentine... Is a car or even a bike all metal or does it have some sort of fabric on it somewhere?" I arched a brow at him.
His face softened slightly. The lines in the corner of his eyes weren't as harsh as they were a moment before. "So, you're trying to tell me you're making an interior."
I couldn't help my sarcasm... it just fell out. "Ding, ding ding. We have a winner... what does he win ladies and gents? Oh... that's right? Common sense."
Jesse inclined his head and forced a tight smile. "Well, you know... interior work is a woman's job."
Heat crept up my cheeks. "What is your problem? Do you hate women or something?"
He gave a slight shake to his head of dark, slicked back hair. "Nope. I actually like women, and they love me."
"You just don't like me." It wasn't a question. I already knew the answer.
His lips dropped to my ear. "I most definitely don't like you."
Always the cause of shenanigans, Vanessa is a heavily tattooed, sarcastic motorcycle enthusiast who started her career as a Jeep tech at the age of sixteen. The happily married mother of three little monsters—oops, children—lives in Kentucky by way of Las Vegas, Nevada. Once her life took a different direction—sidelined by Heart Disease at 26 and becoming a pacemaker recipient—she decided to write as a creative outlet, and Heartless was born. She realizes life can be dark clouds and acid rain at times, but her outlook on life puts a positive and sarcastic spin on it all.
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Release Day Blitz ~ Enforcer by L. Ann Marie
Book - Enforcer (Princes of Prophecy 4)
Author - L.Ann Marie
Release Day Blitz
Hosted by Hooked on books & Cherry0Blossoms Promotions
Enforcer is the Fourth book in the Princes of Prophecy. It
is a little different than the others. Women are extremely resilient when they
need to be. This book shows that right from the beginning. Things aren’t always
what they seem to be and we get a firsthand look at how that plays out for our
Enforcer and the heart, mind and soul kind of love that takes hold of all our
Sheila grew up in the MC. Adopted by a biker family she was
always just another Brother. She’s trained for High Security and moves with the
Princes when they take their new town and place within the MC Chapter. As a
jack of all trades, Sheila is the Princes go to Brother. She gets the job done
and can comfort the victims when needed. To her Club she’s invaluable. To
Sheila it’s just another day. Seeing everyone around her growing up and moving
on, she realizes her past may be holding her down. When her past threatens to
take the job she loves and Club she would give her life for, she jumps at the
chance for help. Going it alone isn’t easy, but she’s Sheila. Jax left Family
Security with the MC when a teenage girl started showing interest in him. He
knew it was only a matter of time before he lost control with her and put his
life on the line. Badass Bikers are known for doling out justice their way.
Seeing her on the list for the new Club he figures five years is long enough.
It’s time to grab a taste of that forbidden fruit, that is, if she doesn’t kill
him first.

Enforcer is the Fourth book in the Princes of Prophecy. It
is a little different than the others. Women are extremely resilient when they
need to be. This book shows that right from the beginning. Things aren’t always
what they seem to be and we get a firsthand look at how that plays out for our
Enforcer and the heart, mind and soul kind of love that takes hold of all our
L. Ann started with the Baxters and is working on her third
series, The Princes of Prophecy MC. While her books feature ex-SEALs and Badass
Bikers, L. Ann is writing about the strong women that these men need in their
life to help right the worlds wrongs and help keep their small part of the
world safe. The women are extraordinary, strong and determined to make a
The men fight for right in every book. Yes they kill people. Yes they shoot at
the bad guys feet to cause them pain. Yes they throw tampons at each other
That being said, they do these things while stopping human trafficking,
bringing their Club into legitimate businesses, fight gangs to keep drugs away
from their town and kids, keep women sheltered safely while trying to stop domestic
abuse. These are men that don't leave a Brother behind. They don't treat women
as possessions and they don't cheat. Respect takes on an honorable meaning.
Women and kids are cherished. Everyone is looked out for.
L. Ann has made the perfect Club, tackled the taboo subjects and made it easy
to imagine living in a world where your protection comes from the SEALS and
With readers writing about rereading the series over and over, she feels like
she's told her characters stories in a way that would make them proud.
Every book will make you laugh, every book will make you angry for the wrong
that happens in the world. Every book will make you cry for the pain that a
character feels.
Don't take my word for it. Pick one up and try it out. The Baxters book 1 is
FREE. MC Book 1 is .99. Give them a shot and Happy Reading!
Author Links
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Release Blitz ~ Naughty Little Gift by Angel Payne
Make a wish…
Engineering genius. Billionaire icon. Consultant to kings. Golden-haired god. Cassian Court is a legend before he even steps foot on the remote island of Arcadia—but from the moment he locks eyes with Mishella Santelle, she can see only the man beneath the power, the presence, and the muscles…the bruised soul for whom hers has been destined…
But destiny isn’t a luxury for a woman of the Arcadian Court.
Close your eyes…
When six months of her life are bargained to Cassian in a multimillion dollar contract, Mishella must learn the rules of a more ruthless kingdom: New York City. In this glamorous jungle, paths are harder to discern, enemies are more cleverly camouflaged…and passions are impossible to ignore, especially when awakened by the man who can read her every desire with a glance, control her every arousal with a touch…
And leap…
Helpless against how her body and soul react to this man, Mishella dreads her heart is soon to follow—for the ghosts from Cassian’s past will never free him to return her love. In six months, she’ll simply be a memory to him…the naughty little toy he played with for a while…
Unless she can prove the impossible.
That their love is worth fighting for.
Hi there. I'm Angel: book lover, writing addict, hopeless romantic, pop culture geek and avid shoe lover.
**I have a monthly newsletter now! Sign up for it right here: It's a cool way to get exclusive info, talk hot heroes, learn about new items in the Angel Payne store, talk hot heroes, further the pie or cake debate...and oh yeah, did I mention talking hot heroes?
A bit about me...
I've been hooked on books since I was a kid but it got worse in my twenties, when I discovered romances--the hotter, the better. Growing up in Southern California, with lots of surfer manliness surrounded me, was certainly a good boost for reading about delicious alpha guys and the women who adore them. When I learned I had a knack for telling these stories too, I guess you could say I was doomed--though my path toward romance novelist took a few detours via a concert-reviewing gig for my college newspaper (free show tickets...backstage passes...that was a no-brainer), artist interviews for a Beverly Hills dance music mag, personal assistant work for a record producer, dance club disc jockey, and a lot of fun in the hospitality industry.
These days, I still live in California, and have found an amazing alpha guy of my own who was brave enough to marry me. We live on a street that looks like Brigadoon, with our beautiful daughter. I have the best life ever, and never forget to thank the Big Guy Upstairs for it, either.
Monday, August 15, 2016
Release Day Blitz ~ Captured By Our Addiction by Karen Frances
`Release Day Blitz - Karen France - Captured by our
Book - Captured by our Addiction
Author - Karen Frances
Release Day - 15th August
Hosted by Hooked on books & Cherry0Blossoms Promotions

Addiction is something you have no control over.
I would love to say I have control over my feelings for
Michael Smith, but I can’t.
He weakens my resolve.
The longer he stays in my life, the harder it gets to walk
away from him and the more addicted I become.
My dark past makes me guarded where men are concerned ...
why is he so different?
She is my addiction. I’m prepared to give up my life back
home for her, to make a new life for us together ... if she lets me in.
We all have pasts, but hers is stopping her moving forward
in life. A life I’m desperate to be a part of.
When her past comes back to haunt her, could I be giving up
more than my life back home in New York?
✮ (¸.•´✶Captured by Our
“You know, she’s not the only one who could use some fun in her life,”
Michael whispers leaning closer to me. I feel the hairs on the back of my neck
stand up. It’s been a while since a man had this effect on me. Closing my eyes,
I suck in a deep breath.
“Are you insinuating I don’t know how to have a good time?” I ask him as
my eyes flicker open to Libby and Alex.
“Those two wouldn’t notice if you and I started making out, here and
now.” Making out, who even says that? I want to laugh, but I also don’t want to
draw attention to us.
I put my hand on his thigh and slowly run it toward his groin. Keeping
my eyes on him, I watch as his blue eyes light up in amusement. Testing and
teasing him. My hand stops when I feel his erection in his trousers; it turns
me on, but I pull my hand away before I do something I will regret. Yes,
Michael and I are going to get along. He is just the type of man I could have
some fun with. Lots of fun with no strings attached.
“Oh, I know how to have fun, but I don’t think you have what it takes to
have fun with me.”
“Don’t be so sure of that, sweetheart, I’m sure I have all the right
equipment and it’s all in working order. I know you and I could have a lot of
fun together.”
I turn away from him before either of us says anything else. But, I have
to agree with him, he is just the type I could have fun with. A lot of fun
I live just outside Glasgow with my husband and kids. I
currently help manage the family business. I find my escape from the ups
and downs of family and business life, reading good books and recently rediscovered
a passion for writing.
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