Publisher: by S. McPherson Books (November 10, 2015)
Category: Romance/Fantasy
Tour Dates: October/November, 2015
ISBN: 978-0-993360503
Available in: Print & ebook, 347 Pages
‘At Water’s Edge’, tells the tale of two lovers trapped in two different worlds. One world is Earth, and the other is Coldivor; a dimension full of magic and danger. When Dezaray Storm is mistaken for the most powerful sorceress of this other realm her life changes forever. She finds love in the arms of Milo Thor, but this love can also lead to her death and the destruction of seven empires.
‘At Water’s Edge’ is book one in the ‘Water Rushes’ series.
As I walk, I allow the woods to claim my mind. I appreciate the low
hanging branches of the tall robust trees, the flutter of the wind
rippling the surface of the stream and the scuttles and flurry of the
Something shiny in the shadows strikes my eyes. Peering through
the lampposts’ haze, I recognise the man I’ve dubbed Tinfoil leaning
against a tree just off the path. I call him Tinfoil because that’s what
he always wears: tinfoil hat, coat, and fingerless gloves. I often see
him on the weekends in town, yelling out predictions and profanities
at passers-by. Most people give him a wide birth – especially since
he once told a man he was heading for a fall, and the next thing I
knew, that same man was in a wheelchair – however, I’ve never
really bothered. Tinfoil never offends me in any way and usually
fails to notice my existence, keeping his head down and his crinkling
hands inside his torn pockets.
I move closer, preparing to give my usual nod on the off chance
he looks my way, but stop when his head twists in my direction. His
eyes widen with that crazed look I’ve seen him give others, and he
jumps into my path.
‘I see the light,’ he gasps, ‘shining bright. Walk through it.’
I furrow my brow.
‘I see the light!’ he cries, ‘shining bright. Walk through it.’
My heart pounds as I stumble to get around him but he keeps
leaping in my way.
‘I see the light. Shining bright. Walk through it.’
Oh dear. A crazy person is telling me to walk into the light, this
can’t be good. I pretend to step one way, and when he follows,
quickly step another, finally getting around him. His gloved hand
grips my wrist, the folded foil poking at my skin.
‘Get off!’ I exclaim.
‘Tonight free.’ Tinfoil leans close, so close I can see a spit bubble
bobbing from one lip to the other as they meet. ‘Tomorrow a cage.’
I gulp, twisting my wrist, but he’s surprisingly strong for such a
withered character.
‘Tonight free. Tomorrow a cage.’ His eyes leave mine and lower
to the ground. ‘Tonight free. Tomorrow a cage.’
Praise for Chapters One-Three of 'At Water's Edge' by S. McPherson:
"Loved the teaser! It pulled me in and made me want to read more. Your writing style is clean, uncluttered and brimming with tension. Well done!"
"You got a lovely and interesting story, hope to read more from you."
"I liked it a lot! While I was reading it, I was able to be drawn into the story easily by your words. A stormy night like you were describing sets the perfect scene for a suspenseful fantasy novel."
"I really enjoyed reading your first chapter. It was gripping. The descriptions are well written."
About S. McPherson:
S. McPherson is a young British expat living in Dubai and working as a Foundation Stage 1 (FS1) teacher. When she was younger S. McPherson travelled a lot with her family, though, no matter how often her surroundings changed, one thing never did. And this was her love of writing and dreaming up the impossible. After combining her two loves of teaching children and writing, S. McPherson self-published her first book; a rhyming verse children’s story titled ‘Shania Streep wanted to Sleep’. Thus fuelling her love of seeing her work in print and sharing her stories. This is S. McPherson's first novel.
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/smcphersonbooks/
Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/smcphersonbooks
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